Maritime Economics

Maritime Economics is concerned with transport by water and logistics. The global maritime supply chain is complex and there are many people involved in this sector. Especially in the city of Rotterdam, which has the largest port in Europe, the application of knowledge concerning logistics is highly relevant. Furthermore, the maritime sector is of great value to the Dutch economy. Hence, Rotterdam is at the forefront when it regards innovation in transport and logistics. Modern tools from the fields of economy and management can provide tools for understanding and analysing the maritime value chain.

MEL assembles all knowledge about the maritime economy and logistics and provides a (executive) master and tailor-made education for companies. More concerning this can be found on the right of the page.

Education and more

Enterprises with activities related to Maritime Economics:

ESPR (Erasmus Smartport Rotterdam), also known as MEL (Martitime Economics & Logistics)
Website MEL


Customized Courses MEL

Executive Master: Maritime Economics & Logistics


Read here more about the reseatch done by the Centre for Martime Economics & Logistics.