Erasmus Economics and Theology Institute (EETI)
The Erasmus Economics and Theology Institute is a knowledge center for education, research and training focusing on the intersection of theology and economics. The objective of EETI is to contribute to a healthy society where people can flourish. EETI participates amongst others in regular and executive education and conducts fundamental research into the interaction between the economy and theology.
EETI cooperates closely with the Erasmus Institute for Business Economics (EIBE) in order to realize their shared goals and mission of soulful economics. EETI’s courses are offered in collaboration with the Erasmus School of Accounting & Assurance (ESAA).
In 2022, EETI collaborated with the German Luther Stiftung in the organization of the International Martin Luther Conference. The central theme of the conference was ‘Free Trade and Free Will. Erasmus, Luther and current economic challenges.’ During this conference, the LutherRose was awarded to Margerethe Verstager, European Commissioner for Competition. Verstager was renowned for taking social responsibility and for her entrepreneurial mindset.